Tuesday, July 21, 2009


I'm dying of lack of sleep currently. I got back Sunday night from my friend Sarah's wedding in California... I headed out there Tuesday, and we spent the entire week running around like chickens with their heads cut off trying to finish last minute details and get everything organized. It was exhausting, especially considering we weren't getting to bed until around 11pm each night, which is 2am Eastern time, my time. I'm usually in bed by 10pm! Of course, we still got up at 6am each morning. Everything went swimmingly though, it was a beautiful wedding, and it's the coolest thing to see such a Godly relationship where everything they do is centered around discerning God's will for their lives and relationship.

Christina had an interview for a job opportunity up here Monday, so she ended up flying in at the exact time I did Sunday night. The girl doesn't sleep either, which meant I didn't get to fall asleep until around midnight, still to get up at 6am (now Eastern time!) for work. I ended up leaving work early to take a nap before she finished her interviews because I was so dead on my feet... I conked out for 3 hours until she called me. We then got some GTPC, watched some Bachelorette, and got to bed around 11pm, only to get up at 4am to get her to the airport to take the shuttle back to Texas. Someday, I'll actually sleep again. Until that day, I will be a walking zombie.

I'm finishing reading The Shack currently. I found the book very interesting with some intriguing topics. In it, a father loses his young daughter to a child predator, and years later God calls on the man to build a relationship once more after turning his back on God after the tragedy. The man actually spends a weekend with the Trinity, 3 distinct personas in one, and is engaged in conversations. The author showed God as a big booming black lady that the guy called "Papa"... the pure reason behind this was to help the guy get over his view that God is an old man with a white beard, like Gandolf, and to help him understand that God transcends gender and is beyond what we comprehend him to be. I found that very thought-provoking, though I know it has been blasted by some. I'm about 20 pages from the end, and I've enjoyed the book, though I really feel like there are quite a few things I don't agree with too and can see why pastors have recommended not reading it. God describes himself (or herself?) as submitted to the human race, and that He makes no judgment on humans at all, and he says authority is something humans have a need for, and that in truth He has no authority besides what humans decide to perceive He has. Although I enjoyed it, I don't think I'd recommend it and could see it being misleading. The real Book is better anyway.

More coffee is needed this early in the morning.