Wednesday, May 27, 2009


Alberto. The poor guy with a forbidden crush and a doomed stalker name. He will live in infamy in our circle forever... so Shannon, Jen, and I had dinner together last night so that I could try to make up for ditching out on them Friday after inviting them to have dinner with me...and then an hour later telling them nevermind, I'm flying to Minneapolis. Woops. After dinner though, we discussed boys, the lack of boys, and how we could help Shannon meet Pete Peterson. Which inevitably led to Jen and I albertoing him on the internet. It's crazy the things you can find on google nowadays... after some rather creepy sleuthing, we found his home church and his dad, who is the pastor (and does a surprising number of funerals!). We also found out he has an Aunt Una, only because we found his grandpa's obituary (who died in 2002) and it had a listing of surviving relatives. So really, we found nothing useful and basically just walked away being creepier than we were before. So is life.

Being in Shannon's house made me want to buy that house all over again. She has done a beautiful job decorating it, it looks amazing now.... and although I know I am the worst decorator and cannot visualize those things, I want a canvas that I can play with too rather than the lame apartment that I can't do anything with. (I say lame, but I must say that free heat in subzero winters is definitely not lame. That's the only part of that I take back.) I need to pray more about it.

On another note, news is really depressing. I check it regularly now, and it's either someone died/was killed, someone got mauled by a white tiger, someone is hated by everyone because they're different, controversy death controversy. It's very tiring.

I also just read that a zoo in New Zealand that houses endangered animals is getting in trouble for having crowded and unsanitary conditions for the animals, so their solution is to put down 40 large cats. Yes, we'll save the endangered animals, but only until it becomes an inconvenience for us and would require us to spend more money to change something. Then we'll just put them down....


  1. Good ol' Pete Peterson. I alberto him, too, for Shannon's sake, by reading his blog and following him on twitter.

    Also, I *knew* there was a good reason I don't keep up with the news...

  2. Ugh. Stinkin conservationalists...they drive me crazy. Well, maybe I shouldn't generalize. Politically driven conservationalists with no ethical backbone or real integrity drive me crazy. They give stewardship a bad rep. And don't get me started on zoos with crappy living conditions. I think I'm probably the weirdest zoologist ever.
