Thursday, April 22, 2010

Chasing Daylight... and about a million other things.

Everyone has been blogging a plethora of posts this week, which has been wonderful in keeping me amused when I need a break, especially since there was a two month drought on blog posts from others... however, K.F. indicated that this meant *I* was supposed to post as well. I pride myself in being a non-conformist... except I'm too lazy to fight the power usually, so I give in to the currently Boston-bound roomie.

Last weekend took Kelsey Face, Joe Jitsu, Mona, and I to Chicago for the Dow Run for Water 6K run. Really, the run was just an excuse to spend a weekend in Chicago with friends, as I often tend to put trips off if I don't have a solid reason to commit myself. I got the chance to spend some good times with my Irish counterpart, ate some yummy Thai food, saw the sights, and even got to go country dancing for the first time in forever! Which pretty much made me very much miss living closer to a city like I did in college. Chicago wasn't nearly as big bad as my mind imagined it would be... this might have been partly due to the fact that my only past experiences have been dealing with traffic during rush hours and lots of toll booths, which I didn't have to deal with at all this trip. AND we were able to run the entire 6k run this time, blister-free! We didn't have incredible run times, but we did run the whole thing, which I didn't think was going to happen since Irish had spent two weeks telling us there's no way she'd make it... lies! Now that I can finally do it, I don't want to lose it, regardless of my hate for generic running. I mean, there's no point to running, no goal besides ending up at the same spot you started. Why did you even bother leaving that spot?? How in the world do marathon runners not pass out from sheer boredom of doing nothing but running for hours?? That must be the ADD kicking in for me...

This last statement just distracted me and led me to call my brother and have a conversation about our horrible horrible attention spans. This post is a very good example... I started this earlier today during lunch, but didn't get past the first sentence because other things, like mapping running routes on google maps, were more important. Once I got home, I grabbed whatever was in the fridge for dinner and came back to continue the post. Instead, I got distracted by an episode of Arrested Development that included male stripper cops and the lesson that you should never teach people lessons. I then decided to do some cleaning, with the goal in mind that I'd focus on the kitchen tonight. I washed the dishes, got bored, and started for the bathroom. Cleaned the sink, got bored, cleared off the coffee table. Back to the kitchen, instantly bored, decided music was needed for the task at hand. I then got distracted organizing my music since it was all reset on the new computer. This then led to me wanting to spend some time practicing the guitar chords I've been learning... and since Face is out for the weekend, I figured I'd take a shot at pulling it all together myself and learning a song. That went disasterously for a while... I could do it slow, but not to the beat it was actually supposed to be at. Frustrated, and it already being 8pm, I decided it was time to chase some daylight and go for a run for the first time since the 6k on Sunday. You see, my legs have not stopped aching with a dull pain for weeks now, and I figured it was probably from the strain of forcing them to continue even when they didn't want to, so I thought I'd give them a few days now that the run is behind me. Noooo, the pain never went away! We had a conversation/fight the entire time. It went something along the lines of the following:

CO: "Left... Left... Left..."

Leg 1: "Sarah, why do you hate us so?"

Leg 2: "Yeah Sarah, why do you hate us?"

CO: "Shut up and keep running or we'll never make it home for pie! I promised you strawberry rhubarb, what more do you want from me??"

Leg 2: "Charlieeee...woops, I mean, Sarahhhhhhhh"

CO: "God only needed 1 day of rest, you guys got almost 4x that and you STILL think you can complain??!"

Leg 1: "Shun the abuser!"

Leg 2: "Shunnnnnnnn"

CO: "We're at a freaking baseball game! Get me a mountain dew!! Wait, that's not right..."

Leg 1: "You suck at guitar!"

CO: "I thought we agreed we were NOT going to speak about this again!! And what does that have to do with running anyway? Stop getting in my head! That's it, you're totally not getting your toenails painted tonight."

Legs: "Nooooo!"

Upon arrival at home, I kept my promise and downed some rhubarb yumminess, came back and wrote two more sentences for my post, and then got distracted with my frustration about the guitar and went after it again. AND GOT IT. Maybe not perfect, but enough so that I felt a little more at ease about my less than adequate skills. And I'm pretty sure all of my neighbors hate me. Good thing I keep my door locked at all times.

So now I suppose I'm back here once again, telling my computer about my Chicago trip. Yeah, it was sweet; 'nuff said.

So if you see me sprawled out on the side of the road, it's because my legs finally won. Don't worry... I'll get them back for it.

Ultimate Power Song of Choice: "The River" by Good Charlotte w/ M. Shadows and Synyster Gates

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